The Credo Way

THE CREDO WAY equips our next generation to dream bigger, plan well and go farther. They will acquire the life tools to navigate their own path towards success.


We transform habits and thoughts from negative to positive. We help find an individual’s motivation and refine it through self-discipline and responsibility. Furthermore, we understand life can be painful, either from disappointment or discipline, but that pain doesn’t have to be a road block. The CREDO Way teaches how to visualize results and choose the right path to success.


Do you remember who taught you how to be strategic? How to visualize and realize a goal? Learning these skills alone can take years, but with The CREDO Way, goal setting is clear and simple. We teach our Youth to: Look to the future, Capture distractions and discard them, make a commitment, manage time effectively, and Follow through. Let’s get going!


CREDOLV partners with local business leaders to be part of our strategic plan to place participants into job experiences tailored to their goals and will propel them forward. Their exposure to new business arenas and new career skills create stepping stones for future goals. Leaders discuss career-specific topics and what attributes are desirable for today’s marketplace. They also share their life experiences, and what they have overcome to achieve success.


The CREDO Way guides individuals to view success in many ways. Do you bring value to your relationships, to your family, to your school or workplace? Are you making goal-oriented decisions? Can you push past the trivial and find what is significant? We help Youth move forward, overcome obstacles, and reach goals. Maximize what you have been given. Capitalize on what is available, and celebrate your achievements.